Monday, 24 December 2007
Christmas Eve
We've tracked Santa's wearabouts on the 'noradsanta' site and the kids are now all a-kip - albiet keeping one eye open for him. They've left 4 carrots and a mince pie and milk for the reindeer so lets hope they're hungry.
Off to midnight mass now - the one service I never miss
Thanks for a great year if you've been a regular on the site or forum.
Have a great Christmas and new year
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Tues 18th
hence short blog....
Friday, 14 December 2007
Fri 13th
Not much xmas shoppng been done round here, we've all been manicly packing up the fab 'natural home', 'beauty' and 'baby' boxes for the lucky website comp winners.
Tues night was great, went to the Yestolife xmas party and met some of the charits supporters and a few people who've benefited greatly from the charitys help, determined to buy that sauna for them (see front page) I realise I should have made the hamper comp a raffle !
Back on BBC brekkie yesterday talking ways of getting the kids doing the housework.....oh dear so glad they didn't film it round here.....
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
Wed 5th
Hope ya'll got the tips this month, man alive its gonna be hard parting with these goodies boxes to the 3 lucuky winners ...if you haven't entered yet please do and drop a quid or two into paypal for the charity - way better odds of winning than the lottery and a more inspirational prize !
I'm 'Inika-ed' up today wearing all my gorgeous new mineral make-up, if you listne to Steve Wrigth this afternoon you'll know I interviewed Nicole Kidman aand gave her some...hope she likes it too !
Saturday, 1 December 2007
Sat 1st Dec
Felt refreshed though I must say.
Today I've been in Brentwood at their fantastic ligthing up Brenwood event, they really put some effort in, its a great town and I paraded with the mayor in all his finery.
great fun - oh and there were real reindeer there with antlers and everything...everybody say aaaahhh
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Sun 25th Nov
the reason for the interviews by the way was to promote the Golden compass - the new must see fantasty, the lead girl is gonna be a big star - 13 yr old Dakota I enjoyed it, jsut unsure if I should take the kids, theres a fair few scraps even if they are with armoured bears !
Thursday, 22 November 2007
Thurs 22nd
My stinking cold is not the best ad for my healthy lifestyle but hey ho, a girls gotta have a natural detox !
Off to snivel somewhere until Wrightys show, he'll be telling me the echinacea will take 4 weeks to kick in...
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Tues 20th
Bedruthan Steps Hotel is fantastic, kids had a ball. We went to the Eden project and went skating, fantastic, slipping and a sliding, Sun was the health event and there were some fab companies with stalls including Purenuffstuff, Beyond Organic Skincare, Trevarno and loads more.
We bought a gorgeous 100 per cent silk duvet,
Back to report later
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
guess you'll need to cut and paste !
anyway - made me realise how lucky I am running this fab site and particulalry our cuddly forum.
Off to cornwall on Sat for a talk on Sunday - looking forward to meeting up with so many of the companies I recommend
See you soon...
Sunday, 11 November 2007
bling ! Sun 11th Nov
I supassed myself today though, i must be getting a bit more grown up cos I went to a jewellery sample sale of Thora Walton stuff TW collection. (much cheaper than it is in boutiques, Fenwicks etc ) I know Thora but hadn't seen any of her latest pieces - man alive - I'm 'blinged up' - well rose quartz crosses on pink cord anyway (closest I'll ever be to bling !)
If I could post a pic I would...hey ho....I'll wear it when I'm on The Wright stuff next - Dec 7th I think
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Thurs 8th
Its been a 'normal' week, is any week ever normal ? but you get my drift, we all went to a fab bonfire party and chilled out the next day, stil clearing out heaps of stuff for the charity shop (suprised they aren't screaming 'enough already'
Really looking forward to the Cornwall trip, details on the Bedruthan Steps hotel website.
Off to take the kids to a new 'rock school' tonight, 9 year old on bass, 7 yr old on drums, should be a racket...
Will report back if I suspect the forming of a boy band any day soon
Monday, 29 October 2007
Mon 29th
Haven't told you either about Fri night at the Green Awards finally found a green sparkly vintage top to wear with flares and met some fab people including the lovely Pennie Poyser who was hosting the event.
Sat I did a talk for Higher nature at the London school of pharmacy, a highly intelligent audience - welcome on board anyone who was there and is new to the site. Sun we made a rare appearance at our church which is sadly miles from where we live and were delighted to find Martyn Joseph playing a couple of numbers. fortuitous as I'd planned to go to his gig the night before at Union chapel Islington - see previous blogs for more on Martyn
Sunday, 21 October 2007
sun 21st
Go see em live if you can -
Great fun night hampered only by a power cut so the gig couldn't actually start till 10.30 !
Needless to say knackered and hoarse today
Monday, 15 October 2007
mon 15th
Sun was - well.. a mix... the bouys were desperate to do a car boot sale (we've been clearing out....I did a (short) interview on BBC London and got a parking ticket to boot. Mid evening I went to Stanton Manor Hotel and today did a photo session and TV commercial for Supplements - exhausted ! Trusted stylist Rosi was there to sort oiut my clothes, thank goodness ! trouser hems down et al....
Monday, 8 October 2007
Mon 8th Oct
We sold out of books which was very stressful but good I suppose.
Sun PM I took Rocky nearly 4 to the West end to see The Lion King, he almost exploded with excitement ! (the imperfect sweets probably didn't help !)
Promise to update this blog a bit more often now...
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Tues 2nd Oct
The Ldies Circle alwasy know haw to throw a party and this was no exception. A realy fab do with great food, a Frank sinatra tribute guy - usually i detest those kind of acts but he was excellent and then the Drifters played - at least one original member !
Michelle the new NALC president was made up cos Esther Rantzen attended, they gave a whopping 5K to childline
Sunday was spent in A and E cos my eldest boy got an infected foot ! stress!
Anyone waiting for Oct tips - aplogies, gonna be a week late.
Bye for now
Friday, 28 September 2007
Fri 28th Sept
Off up country later for a Ladies Circle Presidential ball - man alive can those girls party ! - really looking forward to it.
(anyone fearful I'm not working hard enough the laptops coming with me...
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Tues 25th
Tonight I've been to a great charity gala event for the Lowe syndrome Trust - great fun chatting to Johnathon Ross who is one of their patrons and Tony Hadley - we had such a laugh about the old music biz days. a star studded event actually with Russell Watson, Beverly Knight and Newton Faulkner on the bill.
No idea how I feel I've got time for such galivanting, 3rd book deadline is now extended to next week so back on my head...
Sunday, 16 September 2007
sun 16th sept
Fri we went to a fabulous party in surrey, I hope to part of an new venture around 'conscious Living'. ther'll be an online radio station, a website and a central London shop so watch this space, its gonna be exciting. Met up with matt Harvey again - poet, and he did an impromptu 'turn' He is HiLIARIOUS !! I'm still laughing at his poem called - clouds - whata are you like ?
Yesterday was good too, I did an opening talk at the Maternity Services public meeting organised by the NCT, met osme lovley ante natal teachers and persuaded a few of them to try out my new 'joyful pregnancy Cc hope they find it goes down well
Knuckiling bakc down now to book 3 (completion date looms) and for a break I'll bowup a few balloons, my baby girl is 2
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Tues 12th Sept
I feel as though my feet haven't touched the ground since last thurs - Fri I did some interviews to help promote Neals Yard remedies then headed off to Totnes in Devon to do some writing. Beleive or not I have never visited the holsitic capital of the Uk before and I LOVED it. Trust me I can't cope with a new addiciton in addition to St Ives in cornwall !
Anyways got some work done in between shopping trips looking at the fab new agesy shops and organic supermarkets like Greenlife. The BEST veggie restaurnat Willow and on sunday I went for lunch with some freinds and met Matt Harvey a poet, what a lovely guy. the train home was delayed but I had Matts book to keep me company.
Photo session madness going on...will report back in due course...
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Thurs 6th sept
Up at the crack tomorrow doing some radio interviews - I've been asked to do them becasue Neals Yard remedies are sponsoring Organic fortnight with the soil association and they're holding organic 'wake up to organic brunches' across the Uk, I gotta tell you I'm converted to their organic orange flower oil, its fantastic. I had one of their holistic facials and it was incredible - still can't stop people asking me if I really am the old woman...
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Tues 4th
Slight come-down as the site then crashed while potentially thousands of people were checking in but we're back now.
Photo session for the 3rd book is being set up for next week so I'm very conscious that I've eaten all the pies lately ! any tips on losing inches in 6 days - apart from fasting of course !
Monday, 3 September 2007
Mon 3rd Sept
Frantically finishing off the tips now so they'll be on the email to you tonight I hope, some fab comps as usual......hope you're signed up.
Thursday, 30 August 2007
Thurs 30
all a bit of a come down now....for about 2 weeks then my baby is 2 ! boy is having 4 kids expensive !
Monday, 27 August 2007
Tues 28th
the talk went great and I got to meet a few forum members which was fab. greenbelt has also gone officially 'green' I've never seen so many stalls claining to be sustainabel, organic and environmentally friendly...imperfect old me though trolled round the site with poor Lulu in disposable nappies - hey ho.
Off to plan 'horrid henry / denis the menace' style games and hopefully we have a treasure hunt coming from questsonline - lets hope I can work out the clues....
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Sat 25th Aug
I was a speaker at the conference of the Church of Scotland guild - must be a website but I don't have it to hand - anyways what a well kept secret - these women (and a few guys) raise astronomical amounts of money for their chosen charity projects including one close to my heart the bluebell project for post natal depression
It was a great expereince hearing 2000 women singing in Dundee Caird Hall and after my short talk I met so many inspiring women, and I also sold nearly 200 books !! Get down - spread the word - any guild members please come and join our forum and share all....
Thursday, 23 August 2007
relaxed at last..
Anyways they sure do, and this was the best most fantastic holistic facial. Organic Orange flower facial oils and a beautfial white tea spray and balms et al
anyway my puffy eyes aren't as puffy and I will defintiely be repeating the experience - I had no idea Neals Yard had so many fab products either
check them out on my directory - health and beauty
I also have a 'mens box' for tim Smith - watch out cynics corner - he won't be able to slag that off !
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Tues 21st Aug
We popped into Bedruthan Steps hotel and also went to the Eden project - first time I've been there, really well done, the kdis had a ball building a den and then putting all the bits away !
wish I'd made it down during July for one of the open air gigs there, sounds fab but I already planning a trip in Nov for the open air ice skating
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
tues 14th aug
I did a good (I hope ) talk in Mickleove Derby last night and met up with Tanya from the forum and Janine from Naturtint as well as my sister who is local.
Tonight I met another forum member Louise who cam and did a demo on 'cooking stonewear' from pampered chef - man alive its fab, I wil be reporting back in due casserole course...
Monday, 6 August 2007
mon 6th
Watched a really silly girlie vid - Hope Springs with Colin Firth - is it me or does he always play the same role ? not that it matters a jot - hes gorgeous.
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Tues 31st
Sunday was great, Rosi and I went to Penrhos court 'organic' hotel in Herefordshire - best organic lunch ever ! I was speaking at mamaheaven - oh fab idea, a pampering retreat weekend for mums with their young babies.
will report more in the features
Friday, 27 July 2007
Fri 27th July
Nice to be back on with Wrighty, hes very much on form and great to meet Siouxie Sous (of the Banshees fame) She looks fantastic for her age I gotta tell you. a new single and album out soon.
I'm staying in Wale his weekend, well in Monmouth and going to a 'mamaheavn' retreat on Sunday to give a little talk on Imperfectly Natural Baby and Toddler, hoping the roads into Herefordshire aren't flooded, right now for the first time in ages I'm sitting writing with the sun streaming in and no rain !
See ya
Thursday, 19 July 2007
Thurs 19th
Met lots of journalists and had a nice sight-seeing tour of London on an open top bus - haven't seen the tower of London in years
off to have my prune juice - part of my recommended five a day - my mate Michelle as in Ladies Circle president (get her) reckons that chocolate is one of the five too - well its from cacao - a bean - equals vegatable !
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Wed 19th
I'm hopeless when its humid, can't actually settle to do anything and sadly I don't have the fabulous distraction of the sea like I did last week.
Tomorrow I'm taking part in some interviews and promo stuff for a great new Prune Juice - see I can hear you saying - prune juice !!! but its got nothing added and tastes fab, poor prune -gets a bad rap!
Frantically trying to organise activities for the kids as lots of their usual stuff is off now for 6 weeks - guess everyone is hassling with that right now.
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Thurs 12th for a paddle
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Wednesday 11th July
Just been to see the gorgeous Simon at Making Waves - yes the one in the first book - he is now with the gorgeous Sarah and they have a lovely baby so single girls lay off. The guest house is looking homely as ever and they've also refurbished a fab self catering apartment with the finest view of St Ives bay
On another note, back to reality thanks for the support for the home ed show on Five live - listen again on if you can and lend your support by emailing remember you don't have to be anti-school to appreciate that home edders have their rights too......blimey got all political there....must be the sea air.....
Back on The Wright stuff on ch 5 on Mon 16th..
Back for a paddle...
Saturday, 7 July 2007
Sat July 7th
Up at the crack again today to go to a fab Ladies Circle event (see feature) True luxury - wined and dined at Woodlhall spa in Lincolnshire - I did threaten DH that if he didn't behave I'd take him to my old stomping ground of Skegness for some bracing sea air (he only did the first day of the camp )
Tomorrow - oh so important I'm presenting an argument ( hope it won't get ugly) on Radio 5 live on Home education - please email in your support - you don't need to be home -edding to appreciate the right to choose email
its in 2 parts 11.15 and then again 12.15
its coming live from the wimbledon finals - what a waste - the pordcuer texted me to say hey we've got you in to wimbledon - you cna stay and watch the tennis - she picked the only presenter who has no interest, frankly I'd rather eat bark - no offence to tennis players or lovers....
Will report back...I'll have a strawberry for ya....
Txt is I think 85058
Friday, 29 June 2007
Fri 29th June
Also we interviewed Candi Staton - what a legend, 'you got the love' one of my fave records and took me back to my days presenting the gospel show on GLR when I interviewed her, Pops Staples, and the womacks etc
She looks great for her age too, gigging with Al Green - the reverend no less.
Sadly I'll be in a wet field next week camping - don't ask....I'll tell you about it if I make it though....
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Heres comes the rain Tues 24
Then I read that fascinating survey from the states that proves that patients whose beds are on the sunny side of the ward imrove far quicker with the same treatment - no suprise there then - after a thoroughly wet dark couple of days i'm off for a walk - my light therapy box has taken a hammering I can tell you.
No pressure on me right now, only got 2 articles July's tips sheet and a third book to write (well the first 2 by this Friday - the book I have another 6 weeks) Feel free to feel sorry for me !
Monday, 18 June 2007
Mon 18th June…still crazy after all these years
Sue was completely converted and he had us blubbing to one of his oldest songs 'Cardiff Bay'
Go see him live if you can, hes always gigging though often in Canada and the States
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Sunday 17th June
Hi to the woman with the gorgeous newborn tucked neatly into a sling...don't even thinj about making me broody again...I have far too many children as it is !
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Thurs 14th
I'm actually wittering now, its v. late and the kids are only just in bed having trashed the office. A good thing actually cos its forced the issue of a lock and key - some places really do need to be 'kid-free' !
15 mins on the chi machine then off to bed listening to the fab meditate in 20 mins CD (not sure if its meant to send you off to kip but it works for me)
Unlikely to report back till sunday
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Tues 12th June
On an entirely different note we're going to the home educaters seaside festival in a few weeks and interestingly don't actually have a tent...better get on it...
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Tues 5th
It was the 'pre-launch' party last night, I met Vanessa Feltz pic, coming soon...and a host of other fab people.
Monday, 4 June 2007
Mon 4th
Hope you've got the June tips and I've now got to get working on my next column for Herts life (the June one is out)
Trying to think of something for Tim on cynics truth he wants something he can truly be cynical about ! currently he has some organic chocolate and some Cherryactive cherry juice - something tells me they'll go down well. I've also passed on a 'green 8' radiation protection thingy for your mobile phone, that could go either way with Tim.
Have a good week
Friday, 1 June 2007
Fri June 1st
...gonna be fighting for the mirror now....
Off for the weekend...June tips out now...some fab offers including a chance to win life coaching et al
Saturday, 26 May 2007
Sat 26th May
Yesterday was good fun with Jim Davis from LBC - boy did we enjoy that Nourish chocolate - he ate the 'alert' one and I ate 'female balancing' - seemed to sort us both out !
I recieved an 'ionic toothbrush' in the post today for review....don't ask...I haven't tried it yet...sometimes this is fascinating work !
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Thurs 24th
Great wine and food etc, it was the venue for a party held by Bray Leino a great PR company so I got to meet the lovely people from the Eden Project, Innocent Smoothies and wigglywigglers.
Tonight is the dutch Nursery event where I hear the organisers have lined up organic wine from Vintage roots a la my launch party, can't be bad....
Monday, 21 May 2007
Mon 21st

Just been to do an event for Hertfordshire county council, part of their 'walk to school week' campaign. we had a huge unflatable globe - (good for photo opportunities) which represented the amount of carbon emissions 4 short journeys to school would be in a vehicle. (they reckon most journeys are less then a mile)
Really sweet kids and I just posed with them for a pic. I have a nice life don't I !
I rarely watch TV but did catch wife swap last night - anyone see it ! Lol !
Getting on the phone now to drum up some people to come to the event on Thursday, their website has been down, oh the joys of technology !
Friday, 18 May 2007
Fri 18th may
We stayed with our friends Carolyn and Christian and their 4 kids in their divine farmhouse that put me to shame with its elegance and tidyness - only consolation is that they have 3 girls and a boy and we have 3 very messy boys and a baby girl.....retrned home to that veritable messy homestead after a fleeting visit to York city centre. I signed a few copies of the new book in Waterstones so theres ome signed copies there gals and enjoyed a really girly hald an hour in Lakeland. Boy that glorious catagloue really does come to life ! DH remained singularly unimpressed till I showed him 'barbecue corner' We came out with a fab kitchen crock composter and lots of gadgets we don't need !
tomorrow.....shame I'm not reavelling anywhere...the roads should be light....the boys tell me theres a footy match on...
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Tues 15th May
Desperately trying to plan a trip to Cornwall but keep getting diverted by offer to do talks etc, very nice but I need to see the sea !
Off to York on Thursday (see diary) but sadly may not see much of the place.
Friday, 11 May 2007
Fri 11th May
Met some lovely guys from Ecotopia and tried Ecovers brand new 'personal care' range not yet out in the this space..
Sunday, 6 May 2007
Sun May 6th

The next day - thankfully no major headache as the wine was organic.....I went to Cardiff for a Ladies Circle ball and AGM - see my features for more on NALC - boy do those guys know how to party !
Sat am went to Waterstones and signed some books and Sat Pm coc-a hoop to see the new book in Sainsburys ! Number 32 in the chart - get her !
Holed up in a recording studio today finshing my latest venture a pregnancy CD - all will be revealed.....
Monday, 30 April 2007
Mon 30th
Frantically trying to get the tip sheet completed, its gonna be well worth the wait guys - well I hope you won't need to wait, should be with you tomorrow 1st May, some excellent offers and competitions, you've got a few hours to tell your mates to sign up !
Actually having moaned about my busy-ness I did take a couple of hours out today to meet the lovely Maria from Solgar, we had a fab meal at Lussmans which has organic and locally sourced food, I swear I will not fit into anything for the launch party on Thursday - so bloated up !
On that note......what do I wear ?....mmm I feel a charity shop rummage coming on...
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Thurs 26th
Just had an amazing session / lesson in holographic breathing from the lovely Martin - I'll reveal all in a feature and comp soon. Feel kinda spaced out actually...its not often I sit still for more than 10 mins.
Monday, 23 April 2007
Mon 23rd
Only a few days to go till the new book hits the shelves, somehow I don't think there'll be a rush in the style of the new Harry Potter but I had an email from a lovely granny today who is waiting to get her hands on it to buy for her 'not very green at all yet' - daughter in law...that should help with family relations then !
bye for now
Saturday, 21 April 2007
Sat 21st
Still don't know how to upload a pic here.....still wondering why anyone would need to 'post slug' ?
Have a fab weekend
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Thurs 19th
One week to go till the book is released and am I booked onto Richard and Judy , LK today and This morning ?....not yet......visualise...visualise.....
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Wed 18th
Anyway thouigh cynical about all my various theories he was nice,
Exhausted though, getting up at 5am twice in a row takes me back to the old days of working on virgin radio....
Sunday, 15 April 2007
Sunday 15th April
Fiona and Gaby did a great job of blagging some great freebies for our goody bags - this launch party is gonna be the most talked about in town !
Bye bye
Friday, 13 April 2007
Fri 13th
Looking forward to the Natural Trade show on sunday - hoping to meet lots of people I've only known virtually till,now.
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
Wed 11th April I go then
Sunday, 8 April 2007
Easter sunday
I went to a fab 'dramatic easter vigil' at my church last night - boy what a service. The church was in totoal darkness apart from 5 candles We heard 5 readings and then at midnight the bells chimed - a huge indoor pyrotechnic firework went off and then the whole of the back of the church was lit by giant floodlights (behind the stained glass window if you get my drift )
Fab, I do love a theatrical service !
Have a lovely day - go easy on the choccy - I'm going to need to, I can bear fit into any of my trousers and I'm on Breakfast TV on tues talking superfoods - mmm shall I mention chocolate ?
Friday, 6 April 2007
Good Friday
I've also just had my first slice of organic chocolate easter cake - get down.
I'm on TV on tues - they'll need to winch me in - better choose a colour that hides my bulk !
Happy easter
P.s anyone reading this lucky enough to be going to 'Sarahs shop' opening party tonight in Helford passage I am SO jealous - have fun. Enjoy the Roskillys ice cream
Thursday, 5 April 2007
Thurs 5th
Book should be in shops and at amazon on April 26th
Exciting - just need to plan a party now
Tuesday, 3 April 2007
Tues 3rd
Anyway just brimming with excitement that the kids have just collected a big bunch of purple sprouting broccoli from our garden that came from our organic instant veg garden last year - courtesy of Rocket Gardens - they're on the tips this month as an offer - 10 per cent off I think so get in now - fab easy way of growing your own organic veg - even if you only have a windowsill
Don't usually 'plug' stuff on my blog but its so exciting - you can tell I don't get out much !!
Monday, 2 April 2007
Mon 2nd
Brilliant time anyway. We stayed at Mertan manor which is gorgeous - jsut on the Lizard near Constantine - gorgeous.
Met up with the divine Mike from Rocket Gardens (see the directory and the latest tip sheet offer) - such an inspirational guy. We had lunch at Helford passage and the kids played on the rocks. Cornwall must be the only place where you can get a pub lunch, then stoll to a beach ice cream kiosk and get organic ice cream for the kids and a recycled 'gem' bracelet for yourself - c/o Sarahs 'shop'
Today was excellent - a 'party' at Gear farm - the home of Cut4cloth - see the directory - jsut the most gorgeous organic coton clothes for babies (in cloth nappies ) and older kids, also Spiezia organics, an amazing Cornish Honey guy and the best organic plants, breads etc etc - oh and Heford River apple juice just near by - man alive if I did live there I'd be the size of a house - but a very happy 'organic' fat I'd be.
A huge big-up to Viv Carne who ferryed us from the train station and a huge thanks too to the guys at Trelowarren, they're plugged in the next book - check them out, fab eco time shares and self catering holidays.
so as you can see I'm full of it, back to the beeb tomorrow.
by the way, if you didn't get my tips (and why not ?) you missed some amazing offers. But also the announcement that I'm finally 'myspsced up' I am slightly billy no mates though so come on down !
Saturday, 31 March 2007
sat 31st
Lets hope some sea air sorts out my cold....
Tips winging their way - if you're sunscribed on sunday - though I say so myself some amazing prizes and offers
Thursday, 29 March 2007
Thurs 29th March
Anyways I've been to a lovely event today. Actions Speak louder is an initiative that the government have funded to give £115 million in totol to various projects across the UK, Young people need to create the idea and then ask for money to implement it to help themselves and other young people in their community. I presented some fo the awards (alongside the youth minister I'll have you know !!) and I met some great people, really reminds you that the 'yoof of today' are actually great. Fantastic band played too, a bunch of guys about 16 / 17 - guess what band they chose to cover ? Led Zeppellin and Deep Purple !! I almost wofted my flares.
I actually asked a guy who came to chat to me in the style of a really old person how to take pictures on my phone, (well its a new one! ) after falling about laughing he'll helped me and then 'sent' it to his phone - wow technology. I had a true senior moment I can tell you. If only that helpful boy could pop here and show me how to upload pics to my blog I'd share it with ya'll....
Sunday, 25 March 2007
Sun 25th
I did ask Sonny (8) if he would tidy his bedroom as it was starting to resemble the Twilight Zone and he decided to answer me with an artistic 'installation.' I went to get a drink and when I came into the hallway he'd found a toy broom, some of the baby's toys, a couple of socks and various other items to sepll out across the rug - YES - That boy will go far.
Thursday, 22 March 2007
Thurs 22nd
I have a miserable cold but am warding it off - how about you ? Poor baby Lulu has a streaming nose but mananges to smile delightedly throughout.
Any snow your end ? None here but its is oh so cold, evne for me and I never feel the cold
Tuesday, 20 March 2007
Tues 20th March
After the show I had a meeting with a TV producer about a possible show so fingers and toes and everything crossed !!!!!
We'll get our barking mad ideas (only joking) out to the mainstream if it kills us !
bye bye
Sunday, 18 March 2007
Sunday 18th March
Really good time last Friday too at St Peters church nr Ely - packed church for our little 'evening with' gig and I met osme great people. No rest for the wicked, sat am I was at the 'Cute in cloth' do at Maidstone County Hall, I left my own cute in cloth baby at home though and jsut did the professional thing (alledgedly)
Bye bye, any Radio 2 listeners will be sad that Tim is on hols this week so I'm doing Mon and Fri this week too.
Tuesday, 13 March 2007
Tues 13th March
If I knew how to upload pics I'd show you some photos.
Sun and Monday I was in Brighton - oh what sunshine - gorgeous ! I had a fab walk by the sea and did two sessions which seemed to go down well Sun evening was the awards ceremony which I hosted and the live ban was Uncle funk, as I' so ancient and have been in the music biz for years there was at least one band member I'd worked with and a few people who knew me from Cola Boy days !
Back home and lots of fab samples and goodies to try out and hopefully I've twisted the arm of several compnaies to do some giveaways on the site
Bye bye
Friday, 9 March 2007
Fri 9th March
I'm off to Brghton on Sunday so hoping this fab weather continue so I can get a glimpse of the sea with sun shining on it.
Bye for now
Wednesday, 7 March 2007
Wed 7th march
I also gave him a 'natural toothbrush' (see directory) and - well you can imagine the response ! I reckon he'll love it though...if you see an attractive bald guy chewing away happily on a bit of twig on the train...check if its Tim.
Bye for now..
Monday, 5 March 2007
Mon 5th March
I had a lovely birthday actually. a bunch of girlfriends and I went to Next Generation gym (see lifestyle in the directory links for your nearest one) and just had a refreshing swim and then chilled out - well, warmed up actually in the gorgeous aromatherapy spa room. (like a kind of gentle sauna with essential oils wafting by) Then we sank some imperfect non - organic wine and came home where my loving DH did his very best Jamie Oliver and cooked a fab 3 course meal for 10
All was quiet on the toddler and baby front till about 10pm when they suddenly perked up and decided to join the party. It was all really quite cute see-ing them in their PJ's It started to wear a little thin at 1.30am when they were still rocking - putting on their own little show at the end of the bed.....we're all suffering today !
Sunday, 4 March 2007
Sun 4th March
Weird isn't it after a certain age, birthdays are just 'odd' I looked in the mirror and definitely do not feel a day over 20 - sadly I looked about 110 after a late night and interrupted by babies...the usual...
Off to church then having a 'girly' party tonight, no offence to my male mates....
Saturday, 3 March 2007
Sat 3rd March
Today I got my bouquet of flowers from The Organic Flower company and they are FAB and smell heavenly. (check March tips sheet for special offers.) While we're on smells - since doing The Wright stuff so many people have been intrigued by the 'smell busters' that we've decided to do a giveaway. See The big Giveaway on the centre panel of the home page. They really work.
Anyone reading this blog not joined up to the forum by the way - we're missing you ! come join in, we won't bite.
We're imperfect after all
Thursday, 1 March 2007
Fri 2nd March…oh so early..
Hope ya'll got the newsletter finally, a veritable magazine though I say so myself. I am frantcially trying to slap on some of Naomi Green Hands' nasty chemcial free nail polish before I head off but fear I'll smear it if I have to go and pick up the baby who usually wakes without fail exactly 3 mins before I need to creep out of the house.
Still I'm promised a bunch of those fab organic flowers for my birthday so that should cheer me up - no end
bye bye
Wednesday, 28 February 2007
Wed Feb 28th
If you're a forum regular you'll know I'm looking for contributions for features so if you're a budding writer check the General forum....what do you mean you aren't a registered user? go for it !
its my birthday coming up soon, Pisces - bet you knew that !
Monday, 26 February 2007
Mon 26th Feb
We were 'en famille' so the kids got excessively messy and muddy playing in rock pools and finding treasure in caves.
Back to the 'grind' and March is now scarily close so I'm frantically gathering fabulous offers for the next this space.
Thursday, 22 February 2007
Thurs 22nd Feb
Some excellent feedback after The Wright stuff by the way, good old Matthew, end up by default doing for The Mooncup what Jamie Oliver did for school dinners ! If you've just visited the site after see-ing the show welcome on board, make sure you join our happy forum.
Don't forget I'd like your feedback on the new site, its very much a work in progress - well when I can get any time to progress it further !
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
Tues 20th - The Wright stuff
Good old Matthew - he actually suggested the feature on The Mooncup - hope no-one was offended and found it too graphic.
Nice plug too for the cookie little smell busters from Natural Collection see to try that disc under my armpits....will report back....
Sunday, 18 February 2007
Feb 18th
I'm starting to go just slightly bonkers staring at computer screens - I wsih I could tell you'd I'd been hobnobbing with the stars at glittering parties or even jsut revitalising myself walking by the sea......truth is I desperately need a break but I guess in the words of the great Bon Jovi (showing my age) - I'll sleep when I'm dead !
To all forum users by the way make sure you check the site - set it as a favourite (she says trying to sound technical)
To whet your appetite I've just been jacking up some great offers and competitions for the March tip'll love them I promise, if you're not on sign up for Janeys tips - all free of course.
Bye bye
Wednesday, 14 February 2007
Happy Valentines day
Fab time last night by the way, I don't get out much (bless) but did make it to the private view at Tate modern of the big new Gilbert and George exhibition. Great evening, rubbed shoulders with Graham Norton who bizarrely was then on Wrighty's show today
Off to learn more get this site happening...
Monday, 12 February 2007
Monday 12th Feb
Currently sorting out some features on eco-fashion by the way for the site so keep an eye out and there'll be an opportunity to ask a top styling consultant your style (or lack of !) questions
Bye bye...
Thursday, 1 February 2007
Thursday Feb 1st
Don't miss the chat on The Lifestyle show with Jim Davis tomorrow on LBC 97.3 I think its downloadable and a theres a podcast too. (Bet thats written incorrectly - I'm such a technophobe - can't even text !!)
Looking forward to the weekend with the Ladies Circle event and a gig in Maidstone, slightly concerned that I feel like I'm getting a cold and sore throat, so not required, off to take lots of honey and garlic - probably need to read that book by Janey Lee Grace for some tips....
bye bye
Monday, 29 January 2007
Monday 29th Jan
Anyways, thanks goodness my mate Rosi happens to be a fab stylist, she persuaded me to wear some 'colour' rather than the usual black and another friend emailed to say, 'you brought some sunshine into a dull winter's day'Â sweet !
see you soon
x  Â
Friday, 26 January 2007
Friday 26 Jan
As a result of my 'passionate' wittering on there I was asked to do BBC London to give my views on the Babyplanner - a woman who offers - for a fee - to get everything the oh so busy woman needs for birth, kitting out the nursery etc etc    Well you can imagine 'natural' old me says you don't actually need much kit - babies really just need love and your time and all this info can be found for free anyway on forums such as my own with great advice from like minded mums.
Well I think I got away with it !  This Monday I've been asked to do BBC Breakfast talking Granny's kitchen cupboard remedies for colds and flu....actually I do feel like I have the beginnings of a sore throat but am far too busy to be ill. I've been trying out a FIR machine....also known as the 'Hothouse' I'll report back when I've decided if they work...scarily expensive though..... will elaborate in due course
Wednesday, 17 January 2007
Interview on BBC breakfast news
Fri Feb 2nd Tune into LBC 97.3 I'll be with Jim Davis on the Lifestyle show approx 1pm - phone in with general stuff
Sat Feb 3rd - book signing at The Ladies circle regional lunch
PM 'an evening with' Kent - address to followÂ
Tues Feb 20th The Wright Stuff on channel 5 - on that sofa approx 10am - topic to be confirmed
March 10/11th Hosting 2 Imperfectly Natural presentations at The Natural Trade show Brighton Â
Tuesday, 16 January 2007
The blog begins….Tues 16th Jan
Well you know I'm imperfect so don't even think about regular updates ! but I guess a blog is to to write about whats going on and....well where to start ! Imperfectly natural Woman is still doing Ok and I'm doing a talk this week which is always fab to meet more like minded people and share some ideas and the next book is coming along...slowly...all the usual arguments about the jacket going on right now.....its miserable see-ing photos of yourself looking really ropey but the baby looks good ! Still I hear one can do wonders in photo-shop....Thats almost it for excuse is it was my little boys birthday party today - 7 years full of energetic boys and one long suffering girl ages 5-10 and..well...chaos is not the word.  Off to clean up burst balloons and party poppers...oh and must finish off that cake....told you I was imperfect....bye byeÂ