One bit of me wants to run screaming for the hills but I do have four kids and the little ones are still enchanted and so bring on The Enchanted Christmas House. We've already done the Lapland UK experience (and its wonderful, totally magical, snowy and properly freezing with some fab ice skating thrown in and real husky dogs to pat) so hubby was not looking forward to another afternoon of elves and small children. He suggested he took a newspaper and sit in a nearby cafe while I endured 'the hell'. He needn't have worried, within seconds of arriving at The London Art House in Islington we were greeted with mulled wine, mince pies and decent coffee while the kids ran agog into the winter wonderland, a veritable treasure trove of activities. The 7 year old quickly dressed up as buzz Lightyear while the 5 year old girl had a quick turn at karaoke before doing a quick drum session, then we all watched a show with the very professional theatrical elves before being sectioned into two groups for our next activities - where kids decorate ginger bread men or christmas baubles, various characters appear for amusement ( we particularly liked the person dressed as a christmas cracker) and the refreshments are available throughout. We had our own short and sweet audience with santa who had a very shiny beard and gave the kids a decent gift. (won't tell !)
After some more theatrical entertainment by the elves at al it was time for the kids dinner, fairly basic pasta with tomato sauce but lots of yummy cakes for after.
All in all a fantastic few hours, get in quick, there are 3 slots a day and its worth it just to experience the incredible venue, (you will need a small child as an excuse though and I recommend no kids over 8/9 - its really aimed at the younger ones) but I guarantee you'll be planning your next birthday, anniversary whatever in that gorgeous space, if so please invite me I want to go back !
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