Our second family visit to Lapland UK - what a magical gorgeous day. Just like being in Lapland with husky dogs, reindeer, father Christmas in his log cabin, but without the carbon footprint. Even though I'm quite grown up enough to know that I hadn't actually taken a flight to Lapland I did feel really estactic see-ing the snowy glades and skating with my kids.
Rocky and Lulu aged 6 and 4 were off the scale excited, we were met by Eco Elf (very pc !) who taught us a song about looking after our world and then led by some very talented elves to help make toys in the workshop, after that the kids decorated their own gingerbread men and had a story from Mother Christmas - question from 9 year old by the way, is that Santa's mother or wife ????
We posted a postcard to grandma from the north pole' post office and had fantastic hot food in the log cabin restaurant, We were really lucky cos the rain held off (the older boys were concerned as to what might happen to the 'snow' if it really did rain ) and we went ice skating with profressional skating elves. Of course the big moment was being led down the snowy glade to visit the great man himself. Magically he seemed to know all about the kids, their freinds, interests and their pressie list and he gave them each a special gift.
We bought a copy of our family photo with Santa and a few trinkets and went and heard a story from one of the Sami people (they dress up in gorgeous blue kit with furry hats and boots) and made our way home as darkness started to fall and the lights started to twinkle. I can't recommend it highly enough if you've got young kids, a great bonus too is that you don't need to do another ice skating trip or a town centre Father Christmas - they've seen the real one after all.
All change for the evening, kids firmly installed in bed and we went to a Burlesque and Feathers party courtesty of Jason Vale at his new Juicy towers juicemaster pad, never seen so many basques outside a sex shop, and yes I did don the kit but no I have no pics, you'll have to settle for the Lapland pics where I was fully clothed.
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