A very sweet start to the day as the kids had made a happy birthday banner and each individual letter represented something, ...The B was a bee....a was an alien etc...I know you're thinking crikey thats inventive...some were just patterns but anyways its cheers up my kitchen, no end, the five year old also gave me the best present, a necklace and braclet made from painted past shells, how sustainable is that and so funky, he'll go far that boy.
Yesterday was fun on the Wright stuff and the new book went up to number 55 on Amazon best sellers which isn't bad for Channel 5, just need to get onto BBC brekkie now.
Lovely show with Steve today too with Lionel Richie who is one of the nicest guys in showbiz without doubt.
If I'm very lucky I might get to go out tonight to a restaurant but as I'm not drinking I really need to find a BYO type ressie so that I can take my lovely new best freind my 'Pearl Blanc from Alcohol free wine, either that or I'll have to convince my fave restaurants to stock it.
By the way if you're following the Horace (my live kefir culture 'pet') story, I managed a few teaspoonfuls of yoghurty milk but not a great consistency in all truth.
I'm being real good in the cappucino dept, just need to get onto detoxyourworld and stock up on the maca and raw choccy powder, oh and on that note, DH and my own old mum by the way bought me huge boxes of chocolates....mmm.....wonder who'll be eating those, don't quite fit with my new raw regime I'm thinking....hey once again thank the LOrd that I have never claimed to be anything other than imperfect.