What a rocking show, sadly I was there only for my talk and then a fleeting look around but great to see more natural companies represented, had a chat with the lovely Sue from Mooncup, Phoneshield were there and they gave me a smashing little world cup protective thingy for the kids computer. Jason cosmetics were there and some amazing foodie treat companies, also Thermomix were demonstrating so I grabbed some fab home-made broccoli soup before my talk, odd at 10.30 but hey ho. Anyways if you missed me I gave some fab diy skincare tips and suggested everyone carries a little bottle of olive oil, its great as a cleanser, you can remove eye make-up too, its good for moisturising, great for wounds and even zits, no idea why I still get those since I'm over 21 (moi ?) but there you go, I also recommended coconut oil of course, see my chapter on Coconut oil in Imperfectly Natural Woman. it was nice that there were lots of Steve Wright in the afternoon listeners in the audience too. Of course my new publishers Hay House were at the show and I squeezed in a little plug for my new book out in June, Look great naturally - without ditching the lipstick, someone asked in one sentence what is it about - thats easy - You can be 100 per cent natural, yet still glam and gorgeous - oh and you are already beautiful. Most of us need a bit of reminding on that fact, a recent survey revealed that only 2 per cent of women think of themselves as beautiful, shame on us ! I'm reading a lovely Hay House book at the moment, The art of extreme self care by Cheryl Richardson, she reminds us that Louise Hay says we must look in the mirror and say I love you....(insert your name) Crikey off to try it now, if you hear the sound of glass cracking......
Hi Janey. I heard your talk at the show and thought it was great, only because it was good to hear someone who is even more for using natural products than me. I was the person who asked you when you started living holistically. I was sad to hear that it was health related but glad that you came out of it positive. I totally agreed with you when you said that smells are strong for you now you use natural things. I find that too, sometime they are overwhelming. I will buy your book as soon as.