Yippee Imperfectly Natural Home has been well and truly launched ! Go buy it ! Or wait till monday when I'm on The Wright stuff (10am on the channel 5 sofa) and buy it on Amazon after that - don't forget to leave a fab review too !
We had an excellent launch party at the BBc club, so many lovely people, its always tricky making sure you introduce people to other people if you get my drift but everyone had a good time - our goody bags though I say so myself were the best in town with everything from skincare goodies from Neals Yard remedies, Green people, Purenuffstuff, coconoil to name a few, some eatables from Honeyrose (fab organic choccy thingys) and cereals from rude Health...oh a ton of stuff.....The eminent Roger Coghill was holding court (he is so fascinating) and all my friends were queuing up to meet Frank Partridge who used to be on Sky TV and all the guys were queuing to say hi to Mari Wilson and yes...we are going to reunite, I'm going to sing BV's for her London gig in the autumn, will have to dust down my 50's frock.
I'm presenting the Green Awards in November and the guys were there, I did my best PR work and introduced them to the guy from Worldnakedbikeride which does exactly whats its name suggests - Gaby who works with me seemed very interested in the concept so watch this space !!!
Enjoy the new book and if you aren't already signed up join our fab freindly forum.