It's here ! Would you like to get your message out into the media, promote yourself or your company and increase your clients, awareness of your business in the media and PR yourself as an expert in your field ?
Years ago I was Queen of media training and communication skills, offering presentation courses and interview training, I worked at the BBC in Elstree, and at the Church of England media training centre, it was great fun encouraging and inspiring people to get their message heard in the media. We helped communications officers, parish priests et al to communicate effectively and several went on to be successful interviewees and experts in their field, I decided its time to bring it on again as I love helping other people succeed in their work.
One to one media interview coaching sessions for print, TV and radio are held in Herts (or at your venue by negotiation)
I can also offer training for small groups or companies and we offer a 20 per cent discount for charities and non profit making organisations.