The kids went sledging about 3 days in a row and the little ones built a huge snowman who incredibly is still just about there, his frozen scarf and hat protected him from the big thaw !
As for my wellbeing, I've let everything slip in truth, eaten far too much nonsense and drank coffee and alcohol so once again I'm very grateful that I chose my 'imperfectly natural' moniker otherwise I could never justify my naughty behaviour.
Determined to get back on track though, I do find it hard to eat high percentage raw food in winter but if you plan ahead theres really no excuse for not eating healthy nutritious stuff, I've just whizzed up a raw soup in the blender and it took literally minutes so I can't keep kidding myself I don't have time either.
Of course the new regime will have to start from next week cos I'm off to eat far too much gorgeous food in St Ives, I've been kicking off the new year with a trip to my beloved Cornwall for as long as I can remember, if I don't make it there something doesn't feel quite right. I have high hopes for bright sunny days ! If you're by the beach I'll be the imperfect one in the surfers cafe near the Tate gallery huddled over a cappucino...I'll be reading Get Fresh or Lifescape magazine, preparing for all the raw recipes I'm going to make.
By the way I'm thrilled to be featured in the official Visit Cornwall magazine, talking about my passion for the place and listing some of my recommendations, they've only included a tiny sample sadly, I had given a nice plug to Purenuffstuff, and several other small cornish co's but at least they left in my plug for Inlight and Trevarno for skincare, Frugi and Seasalt for clothing and the excellent New Yard restaurant at Trelowarren. They included a pic of me on the beach at Kynance on the Lizard, looking rather windswept with Lulu in a sling, she must have been about 6 months old, shes now 4 which really reminds me I must take some new pics !
Happy new year and may it bring you all you wish for !